Project: Trillion Bamboo
one bamboo, two bamboo, three bamboo, ..., 1,000,000,000,000 bamboo
1 = 1m x 1m = 5 Kg/year
1,000,000 = 1km x 1km = 5,000,000 Kg/year
1,000,000,000,000 = 1000km x 1000km = 5,000,000 MetricTons/year
1,000,000,000 people planting 1000 bamboo planters.
To supplement any current efforts at producing biomass and oxygen
in an urban or near-urban setting so that all may easily participate
and benefit.
Level 1: Claiming Lost Urban Spaces
Provide urbanites, villagers with low/zero cost bamboo planters
from local indigenous varieties to plant anywhere they will grow
nearby urban or village - filling vacant spaces - Catching "Rainfall"
and "Sunshine" otherwise lost - Converting CO2 to Fresh Oxygen.
Level 2: Watering Arid Spaces
Creative Quest for untapped water sources to grow bamboo forests
where nothing currently grows.
Level 3: Market Integration
As this new source of materials finds its way into the local and
remote markets, motivated harvesters ensure on-going maintenance
and possibly widening of this economy.
o Not competing with reforestation
o rather Target urban opportunities (vacant, roadside, ...)
o Anywhere bamboo grows already (water + sunshine)
o Vacant Lots - Urban (semiUrban), Villages, ...
(where Not!)
o Bamboo roots can be a pest to some (be considerate)
o Bamboo can be a fire risk, so keep it trimmed (when dry)
Why Bamboo?
o Fast growing Grass (yet wood)
o Versatile: Food, Fibre, Frame, Fuel
o Indigenous bamboo(s) worldwide
o Roots grow deep reaching water
o Hard to kill
To receive updates, send an email with "TrillionBamboo Updates"
in the subject line to the following address:
Contact: TrillionBamboo |
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Help Wanted
If you have skills at growing/cloning bamboo,
or wish to participate in some way you may contact us at:
Contact: TrillionBamboo |
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Last edited on: Mon Jun 22 16:40:12 PDT 2009
Stay tuned, many more changes to come soon.